As the week winds down, we're doing a quick recap of some news and updates you may have missed on this week's edition of The HR Trail news roundup! Our goal is to bring you some quick notes and highlights each week of anything new we added or any HR news worth mentioning. So let's get to it, eh?
1) Out with the old! We overhauled our previous website and are super stoked with our redesigned HR Trail website. The goal was to make it cleaner, easier to read (a.k.a. user-friendly) and to give you an immediate idea of just how stinkin' cool we are. Do you think we successfully reached that goal? Let us know in the comments if there's anything you'd like us to see, take out, add, mention, etc. We love feedback and it really makes the Internet world go round and helps us as HR consultants.
2) Shout-out to a few new blog posts! In the mood for some reading material? We got you. Whether you're having a difficult time with work-life balance (which helloooo, totally is a thing in the U.S.), need a company handbook (speaking of, if you go to our NEW online company handbook form, you can get handbook for your business in just 7 days!), or you want some HR Trail freebies, find it all on our blog.
3) While we're on the subject of freebies - because seriously, who doesn't love getting something free?! - we've got an e-book appropriately titled Honestly Real HR Tips & Tricks, which is basically a cliff notes for all your HR questions/concerns, free human resource webinars, a quiz to test your HR IQ, and lastly, a free job description template (heck yes!).
4) And if you like saving money in other ways, we just launched our client referral program. If you're a current client or a potential client, you can save 20% off of a future invoice when you refer a new client to us and they use one (or more) of our services. So, go tell all of your friends!
5) Lastly, if you've been living under a rock, we just announced our first annual women's conference called Purpose. Mark those calendars for Friday, May 15th at 9 AM to 2 PM at Surreybrooke Gardens in Middletown, Maryland, people!
As kick-butt women who juggle a million things at all times, we sometimes lose sight of ourselves and our purpose. But hey girl, we're going to make sure that you wear that crown (because you're a queen) with purpose when you join us at this conference. What's included? We've got local female business owners giving motivational speeches, giveaways, breakfast, lunch (we love food), the opportunity to network with like-minded strong and inspirational women, and a day of memories and motivation. Interested? We'd love to see you there! For a limited time - until March 31st, use the code VIP to get a discount and a little extra special treatment, 'cause you deserve it.