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Writer's picturethehrtrail

Do We Deserve to be Leaders?

We can often take moments of true leadership as everyday life. Sometimes a moment where someone said something or did something made your life fundamentally better. Without even realizing it, you've made someone's life better by something you said or did.

Those moments are forever ingrained in our minds. We never forget them. Leadership is not about changing the world, it's about making everyday life better. Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness that frightens us."

As leaders we need to value the potential impact we can have on other lives, more than any money, power or influence. Redefine leadership as how many moments we acknowledge and create, how many we pay forward and how many we say thank you for. By redefining leadership we can change everything.

Special thanks to Drew Dudley on Everyday Leadership - TEDx for amazing words of wisdom.

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