We’ve reached a milestone! The HR Trail team has some very exciting news and we want to share it with all of you.
When Amber started The HR Trail, she knew from the beginning that once she started growing her team that she only wanted the best. You might think that wanting and receiving the best is impossible, right? Well, when you put hard work, dedication and start to be extremely picky with your team – the best is possible!
Our team strives for just as much success for our clients as Amber does. It’s not just a one-woman show anymore. It took time, tears, and the feeling of defeat. But it also took making great connections, laughter and lots of smiles to get where we are today.
Our employees are our gold. Yes, gold. We could not have come this far without them and we want the world to know how much we value them. Thank you for all of their hard work and commitment.
The HR Trail can proudly announce that we have had our best month yet! We have gained the most clients, brought in the most revenue and hired the highest number of newest recruits for our clients in ONE MONTH! Literally, teamwork makes the dreamwork.
Each month we strive for more, reaching higher and higher for greatness. We achieved so much in the month of September, but nothing can stop us. We will always serve our clients needs first but we do so as a team who works together in every way.
Please join us in congratulating our team for a job well done! On to bigger things this month!
