We have all heard of, and probably have even had, a boss or manager who acted more like a dictator than a leader. Did their actions improve the workplace culture or turn it into a toxic environment?
When the workplace culture thrives, the employees thrive, leading them to be more productive and engaged. But what about when the culture is toxic? Productivity diminishes and nobody wants to interact or work with one another. This is horrible for overall company success.
So how can you rise up to be a true leader, leading your team and company to success? Let’s do some comparisons:
Should a leader A) share as much information as possible to keep the team well-informed or B) withhold all information from the team?
A! Transparency and keeping your team informed is so crucial to leadership. Without giving them the necessary information they need, your team will not be able to operate effectively and efficiently. Also, by hiding information, trust is lost between you and your team, and trust is the foundation of all relationships.
Should a leader A) only focus on what the team should do better and the current issues or B) focus on both wins and challenges, celebrating and encouraging the team?
B! Leaders need to recognize their team’s efforts and accomplishments, whether they had a positive or negative outcome. If the outcome was positive, celebrate! If the outcome was negative, lead the conversation on investigating what may have gone wrong and where we, as a whole, can improve. It is very important to not blame or point the finger at any single person or department, remember, you are a TEAM and the team can always improve together!
Should a leader A) work to understand their employees’ work styles and personalities or B) treat each employee exactly the same, regardless of how they operate best.
A! Employees are unique! As a leader it is important to get to know your employees and learn about how they best operate. Learn their work and learning styles, learn how they communicate best, learn about them as a person (hobbies, family, etc.). When you treat your employees as individuals, rather than another number on your company roster, they will treat you and your company with the same respect and significance.
I am sure we all WANT to be the best leader we can be, empowering our employees to be their best and bringing success to our company, however sometimes when things get tense and there are deadlines to meet, ideals go out the window. It is crucial to keep in mind this question, “What type of leader do I want to be?” and reflect on this when times get tough. This will help keep you grounded and make decisions that will benefit your company for the long-run!
I’m curious, have you ever had to work with a boss or manager that had more of a dictator style than leader style? Share your experience below!
