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Empower Your Purpose Online Summit
August 9th & 10th

Online Summit - August 9th and 10th 3.png

Are you a passionate person? Do you have a topic that you need to get out to an audience who will listen?

Fill in the form below if you're truly interested in this opportunity.

Topics for this summit:
Wellness - health, grief, mental wellbeing, lifestyle
Mindset - affirmations, techniques, habits
Money - investments, making more money, wealth management

I am looking for speakers who have a passion for empowering others. Speakers must give an actual training or provide in-depth knowledge. There is an investment to speak on this summit, see below for what you get and what’s required.


Summit $250 Speakers Get:

  • 25 min speaking slot.

  • Speaker Dashboard on our “Summit Platform” where you can share all your social links, website links and a Free Gift for GIVEAWAY to get people on your list regardless if they watch your presentation or not. 

  • Your website and free gift image, description, etc. displayed on the thank you page once people register so they can go to your site and get on your list even before the summit begins. 

  • Copy of one of Amber's International Best-Selling Books OR Planner

  • Bonus group call with Amber and all speakers after the summit to network and connect with other speakers – find JVs, etc. (you can get booked on other shows by attending this AND find other people to joint venture with who could promote your stuff.

  • Promo by Amber inside the event FB group before, and after the summit and to her entire following on all platforms and emails – “I highlight my speakers heavily beyond just the summit and the summit webpage.”

  • Promo by Amber via group emails sharing all the speakers, their topics and gift links before, during and after the summit.

  • All speakers are allowed to make a small offer of $200 or less on their talk OR just offer a freebie and generate leads.

  • Commissions for upsells to the summit recordings.


VIP Summit $400 Speakers Get:

  • Everything in $250 level plus… 

  • SOLO 25-MIN SPEAKING SLOT (meaning you will have no other speakers speaking during your presentation! (maximum of 12 VIP)

  • One 30-min Coaching Call with Amber before the summit to prep your talk, offers and more or after to get help with follow up, sales, etc. ($500 value)

  • Special joint LIVE stream with Amber prior to the summit to get more exposure, clients and promote summit.

  • Video recording file of your talk ($250 value)

  • Special email to all attendee list after the summit to share your free gift or special offer (up to 3 VIP speakers per email only so you stand out)

Check your email after with additional required information. Always check your spam!

Summit $250 Speaker Fee

VIP Summit $400 Speaker Fee

Speakers Are Required to:

  • Record or do live a 1-3 min video promo for the event and share it on FB, LI, IG, TW – wherever you have a following then tag me, etc. and I will share it inside the FB group for the event and other groups plus my YouTube channel.

  • Bring at least 20+ people – you will have affiliate links to share the summit and get registrations – this is required.

  • Send 2-3 solo emails to your email list. However, in order to get your 20+ attendees, you may need to do more.

  • Share on social media platforms where you have a following at least 3 times prior to the summit. We will give you marketing copy and images to share.

  • Show up for your talk time 15 min early – if you no show you will not be able to speak at any of our events again.

  • Give a very how-to oriented training or very lesson heavy talk – not just the what and the why but leaving out the HOW.  Also I highly recommend a more advanced topic and content, not basic or beginner.

  • Come up with a catchy title, description and bullet points that make people want to attend your talk. 

  • Come up with a free gift for the giveaway! I recommend you giveaway something you normally charge for, not just your regular freebie from your website. I also find that giving a package gift gets you more opt-ins than a solo gift, meaning… A video training, a checklist download, a free 30 min consult, and your printed book.

  • Show up, be present, give a great talk and promote!

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